Key Points of Insect Management

Here are some tips for effective pest management to protect the valuable things of customers

Importance of monitoring in conducting Pest Management

Do you think pest management is required?

Generally, insects have a strong reproductive capacity and even a small amount of food can cause an immense increase in number of insects in a very short period of time. These insects are difficult to find because of their small size and the fact that they nest in human blind spots or hide among food. Due to this reason, the pest management control method is conducted only after the emerge of insects, which is often regarded as quite late. To prevent such delays, the pest control must be implemented at right time, at right location, and in right way.

How does the monitoring effectively supports pest management?

Monitoring generally means “to observe” and “to visualize” the outbreaks of insects in various situations. It is very important to visualize the infestation situation of insect, taking early preventive measures and after that, confirming the effectiveness of applied preventive measures. This is a series of general procedures of pest control. During this process of monitoring, the pheromone trap of FUJI FLAVOR acts as one of the supportive tool for a good pest management routine by providing solid data for making a pest control strategy and checking the success and failure of control measures.

What Pheromone Traps can do, in terms of monitoring?

It is helpful to acquire the following information:

  • Identification of insect species
  • Identification of status of habitat of insect
  • Identification of timing of infestation and internal development (in factories, warehouse) of insect
  • Identification of location of infestation and internal development(in factories, warehouse) of insect

01Forecasting timing of occurrences and discovery of early outbreak of insects

No monitoring Large outbreak!!
Detecting the insects is not possible when it nest in human blind spots or hide among food and by the time they are noticed, it is very late.
Monitoring Preventing in spread of damage
It helps in selecting the timing of control and early detection of outbreaks of insects at early stage.
Early emergence, in large numbers
By keeping ongoing records, determine the emergence period numerically

02Understanding distribution of target insects

No monitoring Needs a large effort!
When a single insect is detected, production line needs to be paused and pest control needs to be applied on all the floors. It takes a lot of effort and cost.
Monitoring Needs less effort!
After detecting the infestation of insects in a particular location, only that particular location can be controlled by using chemical, which ultimately lead to use of less chemical.
Area of emergence Blue:0 captured Yellow:1-10 insects Orange:11-25 insects Red:26 or more
Understanding the outbreak situation by figure.

03Checking the effectiveness of pest control method through comparison of data

No monitoring Effectiveness of pest control is unknown
Constantly implementing pest control measures such as spraying pesticides makes it hard to determine the effectiveness of pest control activities
Monitoring It becomes easier to plan for future control measures
It helps to determine the effectiveness of control measures
Numerically assess the effectiveness of pest

Key points to install pheromone trap

It is possible to accurately identify the risk of insect and compare the data by understanding the key points below.

Key points to install pheromone trap Same location: Do not change the location of trap. Placing the traps on the same location helps to get the accurate date of insects and figuring the risk of infestation. Same product: Use the same brand of pheromone trap while monitoring, as it helps to compare the risk of insects found in same environment. Same number of traps: By setting the same number of traps, it is possible to compare the risk of insects by obtaining the accurate date of infestation.

Installation Examples

Click the image to see the details of installation method of pheromone trap

Tap the image to see the details of installation method of pheromone trap